Betanzos – Bruma ( 18km bosky + 10km sandálky)
(kliknutím na nadpis spustíte video)
Když jsem došla silou už jen Markosovy vůle do hezkého kamenného hostelu v pidivesnici Bruma, svalila jsem se na lavici u recepce. Markos asi 8min probíral život s dědou na recepci. V životě jsem neslyšela někoho mluvit tak rychle. Rozhazoval rukama, mračil se, na něco si stěžoval a najednou se na mě Markos otočí se zděšením, že už mají jen jednu volnou postel. Ujistil mě, že si srandu nedělá. On postel potřeboval kvůli zádům. Naštěstí se stal mými španělskými ústy, a tak dědu přemluvil, aby mě nechal proti předpisům spát ve společné kuchyni na zemi.
V devět hodin večer se v kuchyni objevil děda z recepce, už bručel míň, a vytvořil mi královské lože z kartonu, karimatek a starého spacáku. Nenápadně jsem zaplula s mobilem do spacáku, abych nerušila čilý ruch v kuchyni. Po nějaké době přišel znovu, něco řekl a všichni si z místnosti odešli povídat ven. Vypadalo to, že budu hodně oblíbená:).
Betanzos – Bruma (18km no shoes + 10km sandals) video available here
Yesterday evening we agreed with Marcos and Jonathan to meet at the Bruma alberge today afternoon. I didn’t sleep much among all those snoring people, so it’s wasn’t a big problem to get up quite early. I started at 7 am with my breakfast on the go. This way doesn’t work very well for me. I almost didn’t get to the forrest behind the city on time … :).
I walked barefoot. It was good for my blisters. The tarrain has changed pleasantly. It massaged, stroked, cooled and warmed my feet. I felt like going until Santiago today!
I walked a short time with an Italian lady. She was pretty quick. Every barefoot fan may tell me what a big mistake it is not to follow your own pace. I was hardly trying to catch even some italian words I could understand and to go along with her long steps. After few kilometres I was exhausted, hungry and my feet started to hurt. I stopped in a little bistro and had superbig salad to calm down and relax. When I went out, the teperature went to it’s highest peak that day (and week) as well as the cant. So I better took my shoes on after 18km and continued my way straight up the hill. I stopped in every little shadow, under every fern or branch to pour water over me and cool down.
In one of my breaks, Marcos suddenly appeared. I followed him gratefully and ended my way that day only by power of his will. Three km before Bruma we have found a fresh water fountain installated only three days ago! It was soooo refreshing!!
When we get to Bruma alberge we dropped ourselves in front of the reception. An old galician man sitting there was speaking with Marcos (about whole world problems I suppose:). I have never met anyone speaking so quickly. Few minutes later Marcos suddenly said to me „But there is only one bed left…“. It wasn’t right time to make fun of me…but it was really so! As Marcos has problems with his back, that was me who won’t have place to sleep… But he persuaded the old man to let me sleep on the kitchen floor. He seemed to be sorry about it. On the other hand, Jonathan amused me with his english humour again saying „That’s amasing. What a wonderful adventure!“At 9 pm the man came to make The Princess and the pea bed for me on the floor. I felt bad because of people who were chatting in the room, because the man came later, told them something in spanish and they left the room. I think they won’t like me much:)!
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